Morgan's in Alabama right now doing some training for his Army job. We miss him. He'll be back before Thanksgiving!
Jack likes to sit in his cousin's walker. He doesn't push himself around yet, but he enjoys standing in it. (And chewing a cloth to ease his teething pain)
Jack is eating some solid food now. Rice cereal was his first. We've also tried applesauce and squash.
Gen's little brother, Dane and his date in a great homecoming photo
If you click on this photo, you can see it up close and check out Jack's two little bottom teeth that he's been working on.
This is Jack's 'Johnny JumpUp'. We call it his Jacky JumpUp. He get so silly in this, mom has to watch him closely.
Tristan thinks that Jack's new ride is pretty sweet. What beautiful teefys!! ~Auntie Ju